Learning Marketplace

WSQ Higher Certificate in Healthcare (Community Care) - KWSH

This programme is brought to you by Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital to enable staff from the Community Care sector planning to become a competent Community Care Associate (CCA). The CCA will contribute to multi-disciplinary teams while continuing to deliver personal care. They will work alongside Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in delivering seamless and holistic care in Community Care settings. The programme seeks to further professionalise the Community Care sector and provide a clear progression pathway for existing care professionals who are looking to upskill themselves and guide prospective learners looking forward to a career in this sector. This programme will provide a comprehensive overview of skills and expertise one can expect as they journey towards becoming a Community Care professional. These will include domains such as Clinical Care, Care Coordination, Psychosocial and Therapy elements.

The course comprises of 2 main components:

a. Classroom sessions (Modules)

  1. Infection Prevention and Control in Nursing Practice
  2. Professional, Legal and Ethical Healthcare Practice
  3. Effective Communication in Nursing
  4. Support Service to Seniors
  5. Care Assistance
  6. Mobility and Ambulation Assistance in Nursing
  7. Intervention Implementation
  8. Patient Care Delivery in Nursing
  9. Feeding Management in Community Care
  10. Wound Management in Nursing
  11. Emergency Response and Crisis Management
  12. Medication Management in Nursing
  13. Patient Empowerment on Self-Care

b. On-the-job Training (OJT) On-the-Job Training (OJT) involves practical, hands-on learning experiences. The OJT Competency Logbook is a key document used during this training.
• The logbook contains competency checklists and is provided to learners.
• Once learners complete the tasks and receive their preceptor’s endorsement, the logbook should be submitted to the Training Providers. • Submission should occur no later than the last day of the CCA training programme.

A WSQ Higher Certificate in Healthcare (Community Care) awarded by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)

Entry Criteria
A. Education: Obtained at least a C6 pass at GCE ’N’ level in any 1 subject
B. Language: WPLN 4 (Reading, Listening, Speaking) AND WPLN 3 (Writing)

Target Learners
The Community Care worker who assists in the provision of healthcare (nursing or therapy) services in the following care settings: • Nursing Homes
• Senior Care Centres
• Active Aging Centres
• Day Rehabilitation Centres

Training Methodology
The course comprises of the following components:
a. Classroom session
b. On-the-Job Training
c. Competency Assessment

Additional Information
Please click on 'express your interest' to learn.
A minimum of 75% attendance will be required for you to complete the programme and receive your certificate.
Prevailing course fee subsidy at 90% for Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents and 45% for Work Pass Holders working in eligible community care organisations.
For any inquiries, please contact Janale at 64221220 or email us at janale_lim@kwsh.org.sg.

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WSQ Higher Certificate in Healthcare (Community Care) AOP - HMI

The Assessment-only Pathway (AOP) is designed to certify the competencies of experienced healthcare workers. Healthcare staff with the relevant knowledge and skills can complete the assessment for a WSQ course through the AOP without going through the full Community Care Associate(CCA) training.

  • Candidates who are assessed as "Competent" for a WSQ AOP will receive a Statement of Attainment (SOA).
  • Candidates who achieve SOAs for all the modules listed below (seven WSQ + six Non-WSQ) will be awarded the WSQ Higher Certificate in Healthcare (Community Care).
S/N Type WSQ Higher Certificate in Healthcare(Community Care) Full programme modules Assessment Duration
1 WSQ Intervention Implementation 1-hour
2 WSQ Patient Care Delivery in Nursing 2-hours
3 WSQ Mobility and Ambulation Assistance 1-hour
4 WSQ Patient Empowerment on Self-Care 1-hour
5 WSQ Feeding Management in Community Care 1-hour
6 WSQ Infection Prevention and Control in Nursing 1-hour
7 WSQ Medication Management in Nursing 1-hour
8 Non-WSQ Effective Communication in Nursing 1-hour
9 Non-WSQ Support Service to Seniors 1-hour
10 Non-WSQ Emergency Response and Crisis Management 1-hour
11 Non-WSQ Wound Management in Nursing 1-hour
12 Non-WSQ Care Assistance 1-hour
13 Non-WSQ Professional, Legal and Ethical Healthcare Practice 1-hour

Table 1: WSQ Higher Certification in Healthcare Community Care, Full programme modules

Additional Resources:

1. CCA and SCCA Training Roadmap

2. CCA and SCCA Training Advisory

3. CCA and SCCA Training FAQs

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Hafeez at hafeez.jefri@hmimedical.com.

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