Course Objectives
This 2-day programme aims to help frontline staff (individual contributor) understands and appreciates the importance of effective service communication. Learn how to communicate the desired emotions/feelings in their verbal and non-verbal communications.
Note: The service tools and skills are designed in accordance with AIC Service Quality Toolkit for the Community Care Sector with the aim to:
- Build a Positive Service Culture and
- Provide tips and tools for Staff to deliver Person-centred Care
Note: The service principles, skills and techniques are facilitated from an individual contributor’s role and perspectives with actual case examples deployed to learn and practice with
Course Outline
Module 1: Building a Culture of Service Excellence
- Adopt a positive mindset towards service excellence
- It is everyone’s responsibility
Module 2: Delivering People-Centred Care
- Being aware of that service experience is meeting both the physical and emotional needs
Module 3: Becoming an Engaged & Empowered Service Professional
- Leverage on the Circle of Influence
- Communicate effectively – Apply the 3Vs and 3Rs of Empathy
Module 4: Managing Challenging Situations using the CLEAR Approach
Who Should Attend:
Support Care Staff, Allied Health Professional, Enrolled Nurse, Registered Nurse
Competency Mapping (CCSSF)
Respond to Service Challenges
Additional Information:
- Please click on "Express your Interest" to learn.
- For course enquiries, please contact Syahiidah directly at
Service excellence